Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 39 - Assignment 3 Presentation. The LAST!

We started day 39 with presentation in the morning! Our last presentation ever, and also the last time that we will step into this classroom, which was where we studied for the past 6 weeks! :(
We were happy that all our work is over, but sad that we were leaving so soon. We were really starting to get attached and used to the place. The pictures are below!

Assignment 3 presentation. Roy and Me(Alvin's not in the picture somehow)

Mr Loh was also giving us a briefing before the presentation to inform us about what we have to take note of before leaving Wuhan, as well as other house keeping matters. After presentation, we took a final look at our classrooms before we left. Its the last time that we will ever step into here.

Our classroom for 6 weeks.
After presentation it was free for the rest of the day! So we headed back to our hostels, and started to gather and plan for our IS video on Wuhan. After finalizing our ideas, we headed off for dinner at a restaurant once again. It has been restaurants and restaurants because the food there is really cheap! :D
After dinner we headed back to our hostels and went to each other's room to play cards and called it a night and went to bed after that.

So that sums up today. The end!

After today, i realise that communication is very important in our lives. We have to communicate in projects especially or else there would be communication break downs and we might end up doing repeated work. Thus we have to communicate with each other and split the work properly
so we each know what we have to do.
Also i realise how cheap the standard of living in Wuhan is, whereby we get to eat at restaurants everyday and its about how much we spent at coffee shops in Singapore. Real good experience and i'm glad i came for this OIP trip!

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